Inlet Isles: A Hospital Foodservice Case Study by Amy M. Allen-Chabot, Suzanne Curtis Ph.D. RD, Alma Blake Ph.D. RD
Inlet Isles: A Hospital Foodservice Case Study by Amy M. Allen-Chabot, Suzanne Curtis Ph.D. RD, Alma Blake Ph.D. RD PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
For Food Service Management, Food Service Operations, Dietetics Management, and Contract Food Service Operations courses.
This comprehensive case study provides a complex, real-life example of a hospital foodservice operation. The study provides a detailed analysis of the various subsystems, complete staffing information, financial information and menus. It is designed to provide students with an opportunity to apply what they have learned, develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, and manipulate financial data using an Excel spreadsheet.
Note: This is a standalone book and does not include a CD.
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