Fundraising Management: Analysis, Planning and Practice by Adrian Sargeant, Elaine Jay
Fundraising Management: Analysis, Planning and Practice by Adrian Sargeant, Elaine Jay PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This is the first truly comprehensive guide to fundraising management, uniquely blending current academic knowledge with the best of professional practice. Much more than a how-to guide, it provides a detailed overview of modern fundraising planning and practice, and analyzes critical issues as well presenting practical tools for campaign planning.
Campaigns discussed include high-profile examples from companies as diverse as RSPCA, Greenpeace, Barnados and the American Cancer Society, which illustrate the theories and bring the topic to life. A truly groundbreaking analysis, this text works through the planning stages of fundraising to give readers a rounded understanding of the topic, and is essential reading for students of fundraising and non-profit professionals alike.
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