Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (with CD-ROM) by Anthony J. Hayter
Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (with CD-ROM) by Anthony J. Hayter PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The new edition of Anthony Hayter's book continues in the same student-oriented vein that has made previous editions successful. Because Tony Hayter teaches and conducts research at a premier engineering school, he is in touch with engineers daily and understands their vocabulary. This leads to a clear and more readable writing style that students understand and appreciate. Additionally, because of his intimacy with the professional community, Hayter includes many high-interest examples and datasets that keep students' attention throughout the term. PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS employs a flexible approach with regard to the use of computer tools. Because the book is not tied to a particular software package, instructors may choose the program that best suits their needs. However, the book does provide substantial computer output (using MINITAB and other programs) to give students the necessary practice in interpreting output. "Computer Note" sections offer tips for using various software packages to perform analysis of the datasets, which can be downloaded from the website. Through the use of extensive examples and datasets, the book illustrates the importance of statistical data collection and analysis for students in the fields of aerospace, biochemical, civil, electrical, environmental, industrial, mechanical, and textile engineering, as well as for students in physics, chemistry, computing, biology, management, and mathematics.From reader reviews:
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