Sunday, January 24, 2016

PDF⋙ Quality Engineering Using Robust Design by Madhav S. Phadke

Quality Engineering Using Robust Design by Madhav S. Phadke

Quality Engineering Using Robust Design

Quality Engineering Using Robust Design by Madhav S. Phadke PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Phadke was trained in robust design techniques by Genichi Taguchi, the mastermind behind Japanese quality manufacturing technologies and the father of Japanese quality control. Taguchi's approach is currently under consideration to be adopted as a student protocol with the US govrnment. The foreword is written by Taguchi. This book offers a complete blueprint for structuring projects to achieve rapid completion with high engineering productivity during the research and development phase to ensure that high quality products can be made quickly and at the lowest possible cost. Some topics covered are: orthogonol arrays, how to construct orthogonal arrays, computer-aided robutst design techniques, dynamic systems design methods, and more.

From reader reviews:

Marcus Musick:

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Randolph Urban:

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

PDF⋙ A Place at the Altar: Priestesses in Republican Rome by Meghan J. DiLuzio

A Place at the Altar: Priestesses in Republican Rome by Meghan J. DiLuzio

A Place at the Altar: Priestesses in Republican Rome

A Place at the Altar: Priestesses in Republican Rome by Meghan J. DiLuzio PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A Place at the Altar illuminates a previously underappreciated dimension of religion in ancient Rome: the role of priestesses in civic cult. Demonstrating that priestesses had a central place in public rituals and institutions, Meghan DiLuzio emphasizes the complex, gender-inclusive nature of Roman priesthood. In ancient Rome, priestly service was a cooperative endeavor, requiring men and women, husbands and wives, and elite Romans and slaves to work together to manage the community's relationship with its gods.

Like their male colleagues, priestesses offered sacrifices on behalf of the Roman people, and prayed for the community's well-being. As they carried out their ritual obligations, they were assisted by female cult personnel, many of them slave women. DiLuzio explores the central role of the Vestal Virgins and shows that they occupied just one type of priestly office open to women. Some priestesses, including the flaminica Dialis, the regina sacrorum, and the wives of the curial priests, served as part of priestly couples. Others, such as the priestesses of Ceres and Fortuna Muliebris, were largely autonomous.

A Place at the Altar offers a fresh understanding of how the women of ancient Rome played a leading role in public cult.

From reader reviews:

Mary West:

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Karena Figueroa:

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

PDF⋙ The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band by Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars, Nikki Sixx, Neil Strauss

The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band by Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars, Nikki Sixx, Neil Strauss

The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band

The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band by Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars, Nikki Sixx, Neil Strauss PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Celebrate thirty years of the world's most notorious rock band with the deluxe collectors' edition of The Dirt—the outrageous, legendary, no-holds-barred autobiography of Mötley Crüe. Fans have gotten glimpses into the band's crazy world of backstage scandals, celebrity love affairs, rollercoaster drug addictions, and immortal music in Mötley Crüe books like Tommyland and The Heroin Diaries, but now the full spectrum of sin and success by Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil, and Mick Mars is an open book in The Dirt. Even fans already familiar with earlier editions of the bestselling exposé will treasure this gorgeous deluxe edition. Joe Levy at Rolling Stone calls The Dirt "without a doubt . . . the most detailed account of the awesome pleasures and perils of rock & roll stardom I have ever read. It is completely compelling and utterly revolting."

From reader reviews:

Ashley Williams:

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Michele Sexton:

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Sunday, January 17, 2016

PDF⋙ The Conquer Kit: A Creative Business Planner for Women Entrepreneurs by Natalie MacNeil

The Conquer Kit: A Creative Business Planner for Women Entrepreneurs by Natalie MacNeil

The Conquer Kit: A Creative Business Planner for Women Entrepreneurs

The Conquer Kit: A Creative Business Planner for Women Entrepreneurs by Natalie MacNeil PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Business plans are one of the last remaining spaces in publishing where intimidating lingo, dry writing, and overly long verbiage are still the norm. You know what these books look like—big and manual-like, there’s usually a middle-aged man standing with his arms crossed (or pointing!) on the cover, making promises in all caps about the money you’ll make.

The Conquer Kit is an interactive journal experience that brings business planning into the realm of play. Readers are invited to sketch, scribble, glue, dream, and write on the pages . . . all while developing an airtight business plan with proven money-making methods and strategies. Author and entrepreneur Natalie MacNeil encourages readers to build a strong foundation with the four pillars of every successful business (the right name, the right business setup and entity, a sound legal structure, and a basic financial system), create heart-centric products and marketing plans, put together their A team, envision the bigger picture, and bring their dream business to life.

From reader reviews:

Mark McCarver:

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Clark Palumbo:

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The Conquer Kit: A Creative Business Planner for Women Entrepreneurs by Natalie MacNeil EPub

Friday, January 15, 2016

PDF⋙ Creative Bottle Cutting P by Crown

Creative Bottle Cutting P by Crown

Creative Bottle Cutting P

Creative Bottle Cutting P by Crown PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Detailed instructions on bottle cutting, a historical book of tips and tricks.

From reader reviews:

Ebony Lower:

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Ruby Freeman:

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Duane Coley:

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PDF⋙ The Overlook (Harry Bosch) by Michael Connelly

The Overlook (Harry Bosch) by Michael Connelly

The Overlook (Harry Bosch)

The Overlook (Harry Bosch) by Michael Connelly PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Near Mulholland Drive, Dr. Stanley Kent is found shot twice in the back of the head. It's the case LAPD detective Harry Bosch has been waiting for, his first since being recruited to the Homicide Special Squad. When he discovers that Kent had access to dangerous radioactive substances, what begins as a routine investigation becomes something darker, more deadly, and frighteningly urgent. Bosch is soon in conflict with not only his superiors but the FBI, which thinks the case is too important for just a cop. Complicating his job even more is the presence of Agent Rachel Walling, his onetime lover. Now guarding one slim advantage, Bosch relentlessly follows his own instincts, hoping they are still sharp enough to find the truth--and a killer who can annihilate an entire city.

From reader reviews:

Mary Deleon:

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

PDF⋙ The Power of Blessing by Kerry Kirkwood

The Power of Blessing by Kerry Kirkwood

The Power of Blessing

The Power of Blessing by Kerry Kirkwood PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

                  Discover for yourself: It really IS more blessed to give than to receive!

The Power of Blessing is more than an encouragement to bless. It shows you many ways you can be a blessing to those around you. Blessings are not just about materialism, blessings are more about a lifestyle that changes environments and conditions among families, churches, communities, and even small businesses and large corporations.

Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing (1 Peter 3:9 NIV).

The Power of Blessing:
• Presents practical applications about how to bless others and receiving blessings.
• Teaches the difference between truth and fact.
• Shares humorous and inspirational testimonies.
• Reveals the importance of speaking God’s intentions as to how things should be.
• Breaks generational curses by learning how to bless.

Your heavenly Father is the redemptive God who delights in bringing things back into His divine order. Through learning how to bless, you can participate in this redemptive process. By actively living a lifestyle of blessing, you will see changes in the hearts of those you bless—as well as in yourself!

From reader reviews:

Marilyn Vance:

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Monday, January 11, 2016

PDF⋙ Scene Design and Stage Lighting by W. Oren Parker, R. Craig Wolf, Dick Block

Scene Design and Stage Lighting by W. Oren Parker, R. Craig Wolf, Dick Block

Scene Design and Stage Lighting

Scene Design and Stage Lighting by W. Oren Parker, R. Craig Wolf, Dick Block PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Packed with professional information and cutting-edge technologies, SCENE DESIGN AND STAGE LIGHTING, Ninth Edition, equips you with the most up-to-date coverage available on scenery, lighting, sound, and technology. Completely current, the exciting new ninth edition mirrors the best of real-world practices. Vibrant color production photographs support the text and spotlight examples of contemporary work. Scenery design and technology coverage includes a strong emphasis on modern technology, while changes in the lighting section reflect the latest practices. Coverage of sound for the theatre reflects the digital age in which we live and work. The text also includes an expanded section on television design, as well as greater emphasis on health and safety issues. The authors emphasize collaboration in all sections of the new text, and they provide insight via interviews with professional lighting and scenery designers in two features: "Working Professionals" and "Designers at Work." Reflecting current professional practice, SCENE DESIGN AND STAGE LIGHTING, Ninth Edition, offers in-depth coverage of a broad range of topics, making it the most detailed and comprehensive text available in the scenic and lighting design and technology fields.

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Lillie Levine:

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Friday, January 8, 2016

PDF⋙ Chicago



Chicago PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From reader reviews:

Margaret Williams:

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Patricia Howard:

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

PDF⋙ Francis Crick and James Watson: And the Building Blocks of Life (Oxford Portraits in Science) by Edward Edelson

Francis Crick and James Watson: And the Building Blocks of Life (Oxford Portraits in Science) by Edward Edelson

Francis Crick and James Watson: And the Building Blocks of Life (Oxford Portraits in Science)

Francis Crick and James Watson: And the Building Blocks of Life (Oxford Portraits in Science) by Edward Edelson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The names of James Watson and Francis Crick are bound together forever because the scientific discovery they made was truly a joint enterprise. As Edward Edelson reveals in this intriguing biography, Watson and Crick were the first to describe the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, the molecule that carries our genes and determines everything from the color of our eyes to the shape of our fingernails. Even though Watson and Crick's collaboration lasted only a few years, their achievement was enough to tie their names together forever in the history of science and to establish a firm footing for what was then a radical new branch of science: molecular biology. In doing so, they paved the way for the early detection of genetic diseases such as sickle-cell anemia, and for new scientific leaps such as animal cloning.

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Saturday, January 2, 2016

PDF⋙ Cyclic and Collective by Shawn Coyle

Cyclic and Collective by Shawn Coyle

Cyclic and Collective

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Possibly the most complete book written to date on helicopters and helicopter flying. Covers subjects not covered by other manuals such as turbine engines, performance, flight manuals, automatic flight controls, legal aspects, introductory stability and control and multi-engine helicopters.

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