175 High-Impact Resumes by Richard H. Beatty
175 High-Impact Resumes by Richard H. Beatty PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Turn your resume into one that commands attention and gives you an edge over the competition 175 High-Impact Resumes was designed for one purpose: to help you create a powerful resume that will get you the interview and the job. Starting with a complete resume blueprint, it guides you step-by-step through the process of constructing your own resume, highlighting key components and giving you a clear understanding of the design, content, and overall importance of each part. You will learn how and when to use a variety of resume formats, including chronological, functional, linear, and others. To help you tailor your resume to your specific needs, this invaluable guide offers 175 hand-picked, successful resumes of both experienced job-seekers and recent college graduates that cover a wide array of employment areas, including administration, finance, accounting, planning, human resources, public relations, law, marketing, sales, technical services, engineering, education, retail, and many more. By following the instructions and model resumes in this invaluable book, you are virtually guaranteed a professional-looking, highly effective resumeand a tremendous advantage in your job-hunting campaign.From reader reviews:
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